Birds of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico
Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, which includes the states of Campeche, Yucatán, and Quintana
Roo, is a region of high bird biodiversity, with a combination of year-round residents,
summer populations of intra-tropical migrants, winter and transient populations of Nearctic Neotropical migratory species, and numerous records of species considered vagrants.
The avifauna of the Yucatan Peninsula
is relatively well known (Paynter 1955, Lynch et al. 1985, Lynch 1989, Lopez Ornat et al. 1989, Lopez Ornat and Lynch 1990, Lynch 1991, Lopez Ornat and Ramon 1992, Greenberg
1992, Howell and Webb 1995, MacKinnon and Acosta Aburto 2003, Chablé-Santos et al. 2007, Chablé-Santos et al. 2008), but knowledge of many species’ spatial and temporal distributions and abundances in the region continues to grow due to the expanding
number of ornithologists and birders there....
Updated: Jan 17, 2012 - 22:56
Created: Jan 13, 2012 - 18:13
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